The One And Only “Print Wig”
One of the most famous female rappers in the world and a social media mega influencer Cardi B made a featuring appearance in Kay’s new song “Shake It” released in last April, also appearing in the music video. In the video, Cardi B wore a wig with a red bandana-pattern print.

A still image from “Shake It” music video ©YouTube
For the past one or two years, printing a design on a wig, creating a so-called print wig, has gathered increasing interest among African American women. And the Cardi B’s sensational styling in the music video has gone viral, renewing the interest.
Cardi B’s print wig was designed by hair stylist Elisha Michelle, who took a platinum blonde full-lace wig from Kendra’s Boutique and dyed it with a red color, followed by hand painting of a paisley design.
You can find online and purchase print wigs with cheetah, leopard, and zebra patterns that are favored by African American women, and video tutorials for how to print wigs at home are trending on social media including YouTube and Instagram.

Print wigs sold online on Etsy ©etsy
Dyeing and printing designs on a wig is actually easier than self-dyeing of one’s hair. You divide hair into sections, each for different colorants, based on your choice of design and wrap them individually so that the colors do not get mixed. About eight hours later, shampoo it and rinse it with conditioner, followed by painting a particular symbol or pattern on it. You should take it account that the wind can blow the surface hair off, so do not forget to paint deep! After painting the design, let the paint settle on it then rinse it to finish.

Dividing sections for different colors. Rinsing the dyed hair. Painting a PATTERN.
Completed print wig ©YouTube @Laurasia Andrea
For your self-doer customers, why don’t you bundle up the platinum blonde or blonde wigs with a selection of hair colorants prepared for certain popular print wig designs? Maybe you can offer a sample design or a picture of Cardi B alongside them.

A female wearing leopard hair wig ©
Hair Trend BY Jeehye Ra
BNB Magazine JUN 2022 ©